Friday, March 10, 2006

Back to Daydreaming...

I’ve been sick for most of this week, but today I’m starting to feel better. How do I know I’m on the mend? I’ve been daydreaming again. It’s a sure sign.

I finally got 3 of the 4 BBC production drama DVDs that I ordered for my birthday. [It was my birthday gift to myself from Howard. Hey, he’s not here to get them for me, and so why should he care how I spend my money!!] I finally thought about checking my mail last night around 10 PM before I went to bed last night, and of course, there on the welcome mat in front of my apartment door was a delightful brown package waiting for me. Who knows how long it had been there—I’ve been trapped indoors for 2 days!

So I quickly snatched the package up, and my face lit up with delight as I saw the label. I mean, can life really get any better than this? I’m so excited about seeing these movies. Yes, it’s a bit risky. I’ve only seen 1 of them before purchasing them, and so I could have some real duds on my hands, but I’m optimistic that I will enjoy them. After all, I love period dramas and really anything British. [Read: if you are a single unattached British male, please call.]

I can’t wait for my Saturday to begin so that I can pounce on them and jump into another world and escape the realities of 21st century mayhem for just a few hours. [In one case, it will be 6 hours….yes, it’s true—one of the movies is nearly 360 minutes long. Marvelous, isn’t it?!] OK, so my therapist may feel that I need immediate attention or some serious electroshock therapy because I get giddy at the thought of watching yet another British period drama, but it is part of my happy place. It’s not the source of my joy, but it’s my chocolate, my ice cream, my cream-filled donut with chocolate sprinkles on top, etc.

As an added delight, this evening, I am going to see King Lear at the Indiana Repertory Theatre downtown. What better way to start my British weekend than time spent in good company over Shakespeare! [sigh!]

O! let me not be mad, not mad, sweet heaven;
Keep me in temper; I would not be mad!

[King Lear 1, 5]

How sweet it is... Happy weekending everyone!

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