Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Visit with Grandma

It was wonderful to get back home to Michigan for a few days. While I love my life in Indiana, there is still some invisible thread that keeps me connected to the Great Lakes State. (sigh!)

My sister and I knew that my Grandma had suffered a 5th stroke earlier this year, and since then my Grandma hasn’t rebounded like she has in the past, and so, we decided it was time for a visit.

My Grandma lives with my Mom and Dad now, and so she is well cared for and loved. She has definitely slowed down since we last saw her in January. She doesn’t say much and doesn’t get from room to room very well, but there is still evidence that her personality is still there On more than a couple of occasions, I caught her laughing with us or chuckling at some play argument my sister and I were having. She seemed to be following our conversations, and it was great to see that she hadn’t lost her sense of humor.

It was a special low-key visit where we didn’t get out of the house much or visit with friends or go shopping like we usually do on a return visit home, but it was still highly enjoyable! I’m glad that we made the trip.

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