Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I don’t think I’m clinically crazy…

But my sister has her doubts. See, I tend to smell an odd furnace smell when I am coming down with a cold or the flu, and last week when I was first starting this killer of a cold I now have, I was smelling a burning furnace smell everywhere I would go. In my car, in my apartment, in my office, etc.—that smell was following me. It wasn’t on my clothes, in my hair, etc. It was just in the air.

I just had to mention it to my sister. I mean it sounded like it could be a breakthrough discovery. I'd noted it before, and sure enough, I was starting to smell that infamous smell again, and I just knew that I needed to share my theory with her. Well, she made fun of me and suggested I not share it with others. But it just fascinates me. It’s like a tell-tale sign for me that I am getting sick, and I think it interesting that THAT is how my body tells me I am soon to be ill.

I guess in hindsight, it does seem rather odd. I mean what the heck is it all about? Why is it a burning smell? Why is it that other people don’t have similar odd smells they smell when they are getting ill? Hmmmm...it’s worth pondering!

Never a dull moment around here...that’s for sure, but I still don't think it makes me crazy.

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