Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Current Score: 16 to 3

The bugman sprayed inside and outside my apartment yesterday, and so I went home last night not sure what to expect. Well, for starters, there was a half-dead cricket on the kitchen floor, who quickly got terminated and flushed and re-flushed. I know my life is NOT a horror movie usually, but you have to be sure that the enemy is dead, and in my mind, that 2nd flush keeps them from fighting the current and rising again just like that additional bullet in the head of a serial killer. Come on, you know what I’m talking about. They ALWAYS come back!

Then I began my hunt throughout the rest of the dining room and kitchen. I found 5 more crickets all alive but obviously affected by the bugspray in the dining room. I quickly disposed of them in short order and didn’t find any more on my search. Could it be the end? Had the insecticide solved my problem? One could only hope...

Well, at around 10:30 last night, I spotted another healthy hopping cricket. He was so healthy that he got away from me and my trusty broom, and I couldn’t get him. If he had survived the insecticide or had gotten in after the insecticide was sprayed, that made me angry. And since I was already a bit emotional this week, I burst into tears. I know that bugs shouldn’t make me cry, but I’m just tired of dealing with them. I’m not afraid of crickets, but I’m not an advocate either, and I just want this to be done and over with. I want a solution already. I want to know how they are getting in, how to stop them, etc. You'd think this would be easier to determine than it has been...

I finally drifted off to sleep around 11:30 PM, and then woke up to use the restroom at 12:30 AM. I decided to do a canvas of my territory before going back to bed, and I spotted a healthy cricket heading into the living room. I destroyed it, and am hopeful that it was the same cricket who had escaped my wrath earlier. Somehow I fell back asleep and woke up without any more crickets this morning. WHEW!!

So, the score now stands at 16-3: 16 executions to 3 escapes. I’m a bit anxious as to what I will find when I return home this evening. I hope to be cricket-free, but I’m not confident yet. I called the maintenance office and have requested they look at my dining room window and possibly make sure it is airtight, etc. I’m convinced that the crickets are getting into my house through either the dining room floor or the window. The bug man says they typically come underneath doors, but I’ve yet to spot one near either of my doors, but I’ve killed most of the crickets right there near the window. Coincidence? Hmmmmm...What do I know? I just live there!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'm dying to know . . . any more crickets?????