Thursday, July 26, 2007

New Rule: Married Men should have to wear their wedding rings!

OK, so maybe this “rule” of mine would never make it in the courts, but I still think it should be a public mandate. I think if you are married, you should identify it and save the rest of us from having to wonder your status. And yes, women should wear their wedding rings, too, but in my casual observations, I must say that I have found more women than man who wear their wedding rings regularly. However, that does not make them exempt from my marriage identification law.

Anyway, there are a couple of men here at work that I have my eye on. I’m not obsessed, in love, stalking or otherwise involved with either of them, but I am curious...curious about their marital state.

One of them spoke in a meeting I was attending about a year ago, and so I know his name and vaguely what he does here. He was an avid user of sarcasm in the meeting, and believe me, I listened intently after the first whammy. I love sarcasm!

The other guy I used to see often in the cafeteria here on-site, but over the last year or so, I’ve been eating outside the company walls most of the time, and so I don’t see him as often. In his case, I don’t know ANYTHING about him really except that I’ve caught him glancing my direction a few times, and I’ve wondered about him. Maybe he is curious about me, too? Or maybe I just look funny, and he can’t help glancing over? HA!

Truth is that this new law of mine would probably not help my situation. If these men are married, then I could remove them from my radar at least. If they are still single, then it doesn’t really change the status quo...I mean, they don’t talk to me or anything as it is, and knowing their status isn’t going to change that. However, maybe I would feel more comfortable about going out of my way to say hello or introducing myself if I knew that I was not going to be seen as the woman hitting on a married man. Now that cracks me up! The idea of me hitting on anyone has me laughing. I’m not sure I’ve ever done that before in my's not really my style. HA!


Anonymous said...

I agree that they should because it seems like, every guy that I'm attracted to is married (obviously his WIFE sees the same qualities I do, that's why she snatched him first). I met a guy that wears no ring, and is always "eyeing" me. I'm like, "Ok, this might be a winner". Come to find out, he's married. If a couple decides to not wear rings (which is fine, if they decide that), the man needs to "act married", meaning, he has to know that a single woman that is looking (like myself) is going to notice he's not wearing a ring and if he is subtly flirting, its inappropriate and misleading. Not to mention very frustrating. I meet men all the time, but when I take a genuine interest in a guy, he's married. Its like I have this chemical in me that subconsciously draws me to them, when I would never cross the line with a married man. Its very disheartening.

Anonymous said...

I agree that they should because it seems like, every guy that I'm attracted to is married (obviously his WIFE sees the same qualities I do, that's why she snatched him first). I met a guy that wears no ring, and is always "eyeing" me. I'm like, "Ok, this might be a winner". Come to find out, he's married. If a couple decides to not wear rings (which is fine, if they decide that), the man needs to "act married", meaning, he has to know that a single woman that is looking (like myself) is going to notice he's not wearing a ring and if he is subtly flirting, its inappropriate and misleading. Not to mention very frustrating. I meet men all the time, but when I take a genuine interest in a guy, he's married. Its like I have this chemical in me that subconsciously draws me to them, when I would never cross the line with a married man. Its very disheartening.

Melanie said...

Thanks for sharing your comment! I know I have experienced some of the same confusing mixed is hard to know.