Thursday, July 19, 2007

Updated Score: 20 to 3

Tuesday and Wednesday, I thought we were cricket-free. Then this morning, I woke up and spotted one in my dining room. He was near death, and so I helped him into the next life rather quickly. But then I got to thinking that I should do a more thorough search again, so I pulled back the blue dining room curtains, and there were 3 more DEAD crickets right there UNDERNEATH the dining room window!

I'm not altogether excited about this latest development. OK, so the insecticide is killing them, but it's not keeping them from getting in. I mean either they are still finding a way inside or all these crickets have been in my apartment for a while now, and they are just good at hiding. That idea wigs me out! Another possibility is that there is a cricket nest in my walls or something...but somehow I just don't want to think about that option either. I'm trying to keep my sanity as long as I can, you know!

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