Saturday, July 7, 2007

Visit with Jordan

I did enjoy having my 13-year-old nephew Jordan with me for 5 days. We had a lot of fun. He’s all boy, and so there were lots of action movies. We hit the theatres on Saturday morning for LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD. It was pretty good actually, and the fact that I had Bruce Willis to gaze at on the big screen was a plus. We finished up our day of fun with a hike in Holliday Park, where we took a “tan test” photo to demonstrate how we don’t look like we’re related at all...Guess which hand/arm is mine!

My friend Becky and I took Jordan to an Indianapolis Indians game on Sunday afternoon. You Know Who got royally sunburned despite several layers of sunscreen. I just can’t win in the sun…It was a hot day, but Becky, Jordan and I enjoyed the game despite the heat. I found that having 2 frozen icees helped!

One of the Richmond Braves, Doug Clark, really had a great day. He hit 2 homeruns and became Becky’s hero in the process. We always pick our favorite players when we go to a game. Becky did like one of the Indians for about 5 minutes. His name was Russ Johnson, but he was soon abandoned for this Clark guy. It was sad really. She was cheering for the other side most of the game! However, Russ Johnson did redeem himself by hitting the game-winning hit, and so the Indians won their game, which was nice, and Jordan and I were just glad that Clark was on the losing side...LOSER!

On Tuesday, Jordan and I went to Conner Prairie. It was my first visit. I enjoyed touring the old buildings, playing 1886 baseball, learning the history of central Indiana, participating in the Glorious 4th Celebration, etc. It was great fun listening to all the political speeches and patriotic songs as the people in costumes held their own celebration. They read the Declaration of Independence in the 1886 town. It was rather stirring to hear it read aloud and chuckle as they talked about the new states that had joined the union and how the Declaration was only 60 years old. That document is actually rather incredible, and when is the last time you just took the time to read it? So all in all, I liked Conner Prairie; however, I think I’ve been spoiled by the incredible Greenfield Village in Michigan. I love that place, and Conner Prairie just is NOT Greenfield Village.

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