Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Too Much TV

I was home sick yesterday. I didn’t feel like doing much of anything, other than laying around all day in my jammies. Yep, I was curled up on my couch for most of the day. I ignored Facebook. I didn’t write a darn thing. And late in the day, I craved toast, scrambled eggs and Sprite like you wouldn’t believe.

On a positive note, I got a lot of TV-watching in – thanks to Netflix. I’m a third of the way through “30 Rock” season 2 now, and I finished The Pillars of the Earth, a TV miniseries based on Ken Follett’s novel of the same name. So glad that the entire day was not a waste. HA!

I could tell I was starting to feel better about 7 PM when the urge hit me to clean my place up. Some people might consider that a sickness in itself, but Miss Little Neat-n-Tidy had been a slug for too long, and I could sit idle no more. It was killing me.

Today, I’m back to work and feeling much better. Well, mostly. OK, the truth is that I'm pushing myself to feel better. I'm tired of being sick, and so I'm thinking positive and trying to alter the status quo. Sure, I’m still wishing for more sleep and pining for my pillow, but that's normal, right?

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