Thursday, September 23, 2010

What to Do With the Lemons?

We all know the saying: “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade."

But what if you aren’t crazy about lemonade at all? I’m not. I have friends that are crazy about it. Their first stop at the state fair is to get a lemon shake-up or a lemon freeze. Personally, I don’t get their obsession with lemon drinks, but I’m happy for them. I prefer water to lemonade, and that is saying a lot since I'm not a big water drinker.

So can we choose to do something else with our surplus of lemons in lieu of making lemonade? I think so. I mean, you have lemons to spare, and you don't want them to go to waste, right? So why couldn't you do something else with them? I could make lemon squares instead. I like those. A lemon meringue pie sounds pretty good right about now, too.

So, while I like the whole sour-to-sweet truth behind the lemons-to-lemonade thing, I really want to paraphrase the jingle for me and all those other non-lemonade-drinkers out there. I feel we need a voice, too.

How about…
When life hands you lemons, make lemon squares.


When life hands you lemons, be grateful. Not everyone has lemons, but now you do.


Anonymous said...

LOVE THIS! I am a big fan of deconstructing tired phrases. You've done this beautifully! And cleverly.

Melanie said...

Thanks. Glad you liked it. :)

Barbara said...

I saw this t-shirt this morning, and wanted you to know....there are others like you! :)