Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Diet Girl Learns to Survive Without Chicken Fingers

I love crispy fried chicken fingers. We're not talking McDonald's chicken nuggets here. We're talking batter-dipped, deep-fried, delicious morsels of "chickeny goodness" here like O'Charleys. I'm the girl that always knows what she's going to order. I don't always order chicken fingers, but I have had them quite often. There can be 30 other fish or steak items on the menu, and I'll go for the fried chicken fingers nearly every time. Well, that is until April 1st when my sister Barbara and I went on Weight Watchers, and since then, I've been avoiding the chicken fingers.

Then along comes my vacation in North Carolina. I endured several meals with my family with my cruel niece (love ya, Janet!) ordering chicken fingers for just about every eating out venue. I would watch in agony as she enjoyed her tasty meal, while I tried to swallow another salad.

Finally on our last night in NC, I broke down and ordered the fried chicken fingers from a steakhouse as we celebrated one last evening with Janet in her new city. I anxiously awaited the delivery of the said delicacy to our table. At last they arrived, and I inhaled 4 of the 6 mighty chicken fingers and enjoyed my baked potato with sour cream, too. I had the flex points to burn, and it all tasted so good, but I stopped when I was full and that was that.

However, I was up twice later that night with an upset stomach. For some reason Diet Girl just can't eat like that any more. No longer is my digestive system a toxic dump and able to handle deposits of fat-coated food. [Sorry that is a bit graphic!] I guess it kinda makes me reflect on my years of eating abuse. No, I was never bulemic or anorexic, but I ate far too much of the foods that were just awful on my body. And now that I've been eating better--gulping down fruits and vegetables more readily than donuts, ice cream and chicken fingers--my body isn't ready for those fatty foods. It says, "I think you can do better."

Gone are the days where I would visit Taco Bell three nights in a row for a chalupa, two hard tacos and a chili cheese burrito along with Mountain Dew to wash it all down. Sure, some days I miss just being able to order whatever I want, whenever I want it...but somehow, I think this healthier direction is a better path, and keeping track of what I am eating on a daily basis is a big help, too. When you are keeping track of every bite you put into your mouth, suddenly you want to make the most of every bite. Will this piece of candy fill me up? It's 3 points, and it will be gone in like 10 seconds, and I'll still be just as hungry. So, maybe I'll just have an apple instead or a 1/2 cup of grapes.

I realize that I am playing a mind-game with myself here. But I do think that Diet Girl can survive without chicken fingers. [SIGH!] It might be hard to resist some days, but in the end, I think me and my body will get along better without them, the donuts and the gallons of ice cream.

OK, so maybe a little indulgence won't kill me, but it can't become a regular habit...

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