Friday, July 25, 2008

I Still Believe in "Baloney," I Guess...

Today I was asked what my plans were for this weekend. I proceeded to talk about watching my youngest niece and nephew on Saturday while their parents and older brother went over to the Creation Museum in Ohio for the day.

Immediately, I got a very strong reaction: What? Your sister still believes in that baloney?

Yes, she does, I said. And so do I.
Now maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised at how readily creation is being dismissed today as less than a theory, but I confess that I still am. Call me naïve, a simpleton or what you will, but I think there is strong evidence that all life was created and didn’t happen by accident, chance or a collision of atoms.

I work with scientists, primarily chemists and biologists, and so maybe that is why I encounter so many “Christians” that don’t believe in creation and won’t even allow the idea of intelligent design to be discussed as a scientific theory for the explanation of life as we know it. These are devout members of their faith or prominent leaders in their church communities, and yet, they no longer believe in Genesis 1. They discard it completely because it is based on a religious or supernatural foundation and not what they would term as "science."

It is sad. These brilliant minds that HE blessed with intelligence won’t give their CREATOR any due, any praise for HIS handiwork. They would prefer to believe in happenstance, in a coincidental theory hinging on what else but faith. After all, it also takes faith (a firm belief in something for which there is no proof) to believe that two tiny miniscule specks bumped into one another in the darkness and from there began of chain of events over billions and billions of years that led to one of the most complex structures known today, DNA. Scientists are still uncovering new things about our bodies and the world we live in.

I’m not an expert or a scientist, by any stretch of the imagination, and I don’t pretend to have all the answers or the ability to debate creation vs. evolution with a scholar. But I can’t ignore the fact that I see my CREATOR’S work everywhere: in gravity, the human eye, new growth in a forest after a fire, strange underwater creatures like jellyfish and squid, a newborn baby, and yes, even in the silky strands of my mortal enemy (the spider).

There is an amazing source of creativity revealing HIMSELF in the world all around us. There is too much beauty, too much inspired brilliance to have all just happened by chance, by accident. I choose to believe in the intelligent design of my GOD. HE said HE did it, and I choose to believe it.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I haven't yet been to the museum even though it's only about 25 minutes from me. I've heard it's really neat. Barbara will have to do a review when she returns. Lisa has talked about wanting to go some time when they are down. But who knows when that will be since it took her 8 years to come visit us in Ohio in the first place. I like to give her a hard time about it. :-)