Monday, May 17, 2010

The Influence of Twitter

OK, if the Grammys or Dove awards were soliciting my feedback, I’d have a nominee for album of the year with Mercy Me’s The Generous Mr. Lovewell. It is one of those rare albums where I found myself enjoying every song. Not just tracks 1-4 and 11 or 7-9. No, I liked them all. Every one, and I think each song is distinct and different from the others. Yes, I have a couple of favorites: This Life, Call Me Crazy,and Beautiful. This So Called Life is short and sweet but gripping. There isn’t a bad track on the set. Seriously!

Now in the past, I have purchased a few of Mercy Me’s songs from Amazon, but I certainly wouldn’t have called me a big fan of theirs, until now. I don’t have any of their other albums yet, but this one really is awesome. So how did I discover that I was now a fan of Mercy Me? I’m blaming Twitter.

I know. I’ve become one of those. I resisted the urge to join the Twitter set for months. I was already on Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Friendster, etc. Did I really need one more social outlet? REALLY? Well, probably not, but I opted in, and I’m enjoying it. OK, so most of the updates are frivolous, but I find it humorous and interesting to follow some of my friends, celebrities, musicians, writers and other personalities. I like noting how human and connected we all are.

Anyway so what does this have to do with Mercy Me, right? Well, a couple of weeks ago, several of my favorite Christian artists tweeted about the latest Mercy Me album, and somehow I felt compelled to check it out. Yes, it’s true that I let Sara Groves and Brandon Heath (among others) influence me. HA! I followed their example and went to Amazon and checked out Mercy Me’s newest and discovered that I loved it, and now you know the rest of the story.

So this is me giving a plug for Mercy Me’s The Generous Mr. Lovewell. Check it out. [By the way, Sis, I can totally picture Jacob and Grace jamming to this CD. Love it!]

1 comment:

Nuwanda said...

listening to it....agreed! It's such a different album, and that's what makes it great. Thanks for mentioning it!