Monday, May 24, 2010

I Am LOST No More...

I got a few hours sleep after last night's 2.5 hour LOST series finale, and I’m still not sure how I feel about it. I’m on the fence. I didn’t hate it. In fact the first 2 hours and 15 minutes of the finale were an incredible ride. It was like a family reunion of sorts. I was smiling, laughing, sniffling a bit and enjoying a fine farewell to these characters I have watched for 6 years. Yes, it was a bit sentimental, but I can be a sentimental girl!

However, I didn’t love the last 15 minutes of the finale. Somehow I wanted more. I feel like I missed something, like maybe I was so tired from my long weekend that I slept through the most important scene or didn’t pick up on a subtle nuance. But I sure felt alive and wide awake for the entire evening, and if you trust the online buzz, it sounds like I didn’t miss anything. A lot of us were LOST a bit there at the end or wanting something else.

How would I have liked to see it all end? I don’t know.

Could I have written a better ending? I doubt it. It’s done, and we can’t go back now. It’s over.

Do I regret a minute of my viewing pains and pleasures over the past six seasons? No. I’m glad I was there to see it. It’s been quite an epic to follow. No regrets.

So today I would like to say thank you. Thank you for the hours of dramatic entertainment, the brilliant acting, and the unique voice brought to American television. I bid the cast, crew, directors, writers and producers a fond adieu. You brought us to tears more than once, kept us breathless, jarred us from our seats a time or two with some major surprises, got us to laugh at each wry comment or the sheer irony of the moment, and made us feel connected to the characters (fictitious though they may be) and thus connected us to each other. Thank you!

But it is now time to move on and get LOST in something else.

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