Friday, July 31, 2009

"Be-er" Vs. "Do-er"

My sister Barbara and I are alike in a lot of ways. Yes, we were even mistaken for twins once on the subway in DC, which is a hoot. Remember that, Sis? We don't really look that much alike at all. But the truth is that while we have our similarities (most of which are not visible), we are two very distinct people with completely different personalities.

She likes to “be.”
I like to “do.”

She’s Mary. She’s willing to just soak it all up.
I’m Martha. I struggle with sitting quietly. I need to be “helping.”

Her ideal vacation is relaxing in a beach chair. Come on, have you seen my skin? I can handle the beach chair for about an hour and after that, I’d be as red as a beet. HA!

My ideal vacation is seeing everything within a 50-mile radius. She thinks I’m nuts. She is all for seeing new things but likes to keep the visits short: an hour in a museum is just about right.

Well, this weekend, she and her family are coming to my place for a visit, and I’m totally psyched. She called at 10 PM last night to confirm. Naturally, wanting to be prepared, I had already cleaned just in case. Hey, I wanted to be ready. HA! We talked for a minute, and I launched into my detailed planning strategy. I’m wanting to know the scoop about what we are doing, what we’ll have time to see, etc. I’m ready for a hike, the zoo, a museum, etc. She’s content with whatever. She'd just like to spend time together and lay low.

So we compromised. We’re going to a local park for a picnic and some play time. Of course, I’m totally down with that. I love picnics and every moment with my nieces and nephews is precious.

We talked again this morning, and we started laughing at how different we are. She married a “doer,” and so she has 2 of us to contend with most of the time, which makes it even more comical. Funny how different we are and yet how much we are the same as well! Despite our differences, my sister is my best friend, my confidante, my other self. No one else knows me better. She keeps me real with myself and others. I'm so grateful that she is MY sister.

I love ya, Sis! Can’t wait to just “be” with you this weekend.


Kaleb said...

I wish you would have left the hyphen out so that Google and the search engines could associate your blog with the word "beer".

Alas, we're getting closer...

Melanie said...

HA! I hadn't thought about that.