Monday, July 20, 2009

Conversation With Becky

My friend Becky is building her first home. It’s pretty exciting, and I’m personally thrilled for her. She and I have spent quite a bit of time the last two weekends at the home builders’ design center and a run into Lowes.

On a related topic, she sprang this conversation opener at me a couple of weeks ago...

Becky: I’ve been thinking...(pause) that it would be a big help to me if you had a boyfriend who could help me move.

Me: [choking] What?

Becky: You have like 2 months to make the arrangements. You can do it, and it would really help me out.

Me: [chuckling] Ommmm...right. I guess I just needed the proper motivation to make it happen.

Becky: Exactly.

And so we’ve been going on and on about it ever since. She checks in on a daily or weekly basis to find out how I am progressing with my search, and I just laugh. Of course, I’m not on the 2-month boyfriend plan any more than Becky is on the 5-year marriage plan now that she has decided to go ahead and buy a house. It’s all just for laughs.

Truth is that with Becky and I, you really can’t take anything we say to each other seriously. Yes, we both like wit and sarcasm. And we can keep the banter going back and forth for quite a period. I'm sure we have on occasion shocked more than a few people with our quips, but it's one of the things that makes our friendship special. It's a beautiful thing.

UPDATE: I am thrilled to announce that several people volunteered to help with Becky's move after this post, and I believe that takes me off the hook regarding the 2-month boyfriend plan. WOOHOO!! Becky, however, feels that I am NOT fulfilling my end of the bargain, but I see things differently.

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