Monday, July 20, 2009

How Will It All Turn Out, I Wonder...

A couple of times a year, I get so enraptured in a book I am reading that I just simply can’t bear to put it down. It must be read, and so I will stay up until the wee hours of the morning finishing the captivating tale. Sometimes it is one of many new novels on my shelves that I just couldn’t resist on my latest trek to Barnes & Noble, and sometimes it is an old dear classic like Jane Eyre. Yes, even though I know how the story ends, I always wait on pins and needles to see if Mr. Rochester and his beloved Jane will finally be reunited. [Sigh! Good stuff that!]

Anyway, this weekend a new novel was to blame, The Host by Stephenie Meyer (author of the Twilight series I read earlier this spring). As bedtime approached, I found it hard to resist it’s crisp pages. I just had to continue reading to see what would happen to my new friends. I couldn’t set it aside for mere mortal rest. I couldn’t bear to be parted from Wanderer, Melanie (yes, I loved her name), Jamie, Jeb, Jared and Ian. I’m loyal to a fault. I had to see this imaginative story through to completion, and so I did.

Around 4:30 AM this morning, I finished the book and found my imagination alive and my heart beating rapidly. Yep, I was wired. No way that sleep was going to come to me easily in the next hour and a half before my alarm clock would jolt me up. So I got out of bed, watched a bit of TV and then opted to get ready for work and just get my day started early sans sleep. YIKES!

So here I am. It is 7 AM, and I’ve already been here at work for an hour, and so I’m taking a mini break to type this and enjoy a granola bar. Life is good.

My mission, should I choose to accept it, is to stay awake until 9 PM this evening. I can do it. I believe. Well actually I believe in the copious amounts of Mountain Dew I am drinking at present. However, if my co-workers find me missing after lunch today, they should be advised to check for me under my desk, where I may be found fast asleep.


Lisa said...

You are one crazy girl!! No sleep??!! Wow! I could never do that. I mean, I've stayed up until 1 or 2am (I think that's the latest) to finish a book. You definitely have the record! :-)

Melanie said...

Yeah, I'm crazy.