Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rekindling a Memory

Whenever I feel a bit down or am battling a migraine due to the surly clouds overhead, I think back on a happy memory. I take myself back to another moment in time and revel in it. And let me clarify, I’m not talking about returning to a previous life. I don’t believe in reincarnation, thank-you-very-much. HA! But I do like to think back to a delicious moment in my actual past and savor in it for just a minute, and somehow it helps the present discomfort.

When I was in England, I caught myself breathing in the air, listening carefully and surveying my surroundings with just such a purpose. I wanted to remember everything about that moment. I wanted to fully recall the sights, sounds and smells of that instant so that I could return there again in my memory. My England adventure was full of such moments, but there are other priceless moments I can vividly upload in the widescreeen of my mind if I just shut my eyes for a moment:

My Mom and my Aunt Peggy learning to Waltz off of a library DVD—the giggles that followed brought us all near tears!

Holding my nieces and nephews for the first time—the excitement over holding such beautiful bundles never gets old!

Exploring Biltmore House on the special rooftop tour—so fun to get a behind-the-scenes tour and realizing my hidden dream to give tours myself one day!

Watching my sister come down the aisle to meet her husband-to-be—my attempts to hold back the tears were nearly thwarted when I saw her struggling, too!

Boating around the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore—the spray of the freshwater on my cheeks, the delightful blue green hues of the water, etc.!

Hiking up to the top of Chimney Rock—breathless from the hike and also from the incredible panoramic views up there. Truly amazing!

Yes, I love collecting memories. But these memories are a reminder of something more. My memories are full of the often behind-the-scenes providence and loving kindness of a gracious Heavenly FATHER. If I look carefully with my eyes wide, I can still make out his hand prints throughout my past--guiding, holding, sustaining, delivering. HE was there in the past, HE is here in the now, and HE will continue to be the ONE PERSON consistent throughout the entirety of my life. I am blessed beyond measure with each and every moment HE has given me on this tilted planet we call home.

Thank you, LORD, for the gift of memories. I am so grateful. Help me not to dwell too much on the past, but to embrace the present and look ahead to the future YOU have in store for me.

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