Thursday, December 4, 2008

No More Wallowing Now, I Mean It

I confess, I’ve been less than my best the last couple of days. I’ve been grumpy, irritated, emotional and angry. It all started on Tuesday evening after finding that someone had committed a hit and run on my car. It really irked me, and it still does, but bitterness is never beautiful, as my friend Kristen says. So true!

Mel, it’s time to let it go.

I have so much to be thankful for:
1. The appraiser called and asked if he could meet me this morning instead of tomorrow because he was in the area, and so I am ahead of schedule. WOOHOO!!

2. I should get an estimate today or tomorrow for the damage, and I can plan from there. So far everyone I have talked to at the insurance company has been very attentive and helpful.

3. I have money in my England fund so I should be able to meet my deductible without a problem. I don’t like robbing from that fund to get this taken care of, but the money is available. GOD has provided in the past, and I believe HE will continue to do so. LORD, keep me trusting in YOU.

4. It doesn’t appear that there is any internal damage to my darling car, and so Maddy should only need some cosmetic attention--like plastic surgery for cars.

5. My car was parked at the time of the said incident, and I wasn’t in it. This could have been so much worse if I had been out on the road. No whiplash, no medical bills, etc. Thank you, LORD!

6. Hopefully the low-impact hit means that the other driver is not suffering any injuries either. I admit that I have pictured the “offender” languishing in pain or at least unable to get a good night’s sleep due to the guilt, but I’m not proud of those thoughts. It’s not what GOD wants me thinking about. Sorry, LORD!

7. My car still runs and is totally drivable. This single girl really depends on her car A LOT. So I’m especially glad of safe and reliable transportation today as the temperatures dip into the teens. Brrrrr... Thank you for a properly working car radiator, LORD!

8. Only 3 weeks until Christmas! Can you believe it? Hopefully Maddy will be able to get her repairs done before then, so that she and I can buzz up to Michigan for the holidays.

9. There are so many nearby that are experiencing greater trials and struggles right now. LORD, forgive me for being so needy and ungrateful when I should be reaching out to others instead of wallowing in self-pity over my car.

10. GOD does care about our lives...even these little inconveniences that pop up. HE is the ultimate healer and the best friend we could ask for. HE knows our weaknesses, HE knows our needs, and HE is with us every step of the journey.
Yes, GOD is good--ALL THE TIME! Even when we don’t feel like acknowledging it, even when life seems unfair, even though we don't deserve anything good, HE is good, and HIS love endures forever...

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