Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Diet Girl Hits Another Milestone

Today I weighed in, and I had lost just a bit more weight, but it was enough to give me the grand total of 60 pounds lost since April 1st. WOOHOO!! Now, the weight loss has definitely been slowing down since September, but there is usually one good week per month which gives me a 2 or 3 pound weight loss. The rest of the weeks, I am scrambling to lose a pound or less, but there are a couple of good things about gradually taking the weight off.
1. THEY all say that slow and steady is the way to go when it comes to weight loss. I don’t know exactly who “THEY” is. No one will tell me. But I am hopeful that if my doctor believes them, then maybe THEY are correct.

2. Buying a new wardrobe every other month has been getting expensive, and so maybe a slow weight loss will help my budget and allow me to get more wear out of the clothes I have already purchased. I have been hitting up the local consignment and Goodwill stores as much as possible, but due to my vertically challenged frame, it is a bit harder to find clothes the right size for me in secondhand shops, and so I'm still having to spend more money than I would like on clothing. One side effect of all of this excess shopping is that I am starting to like it, and that is a first for me. DANGER! DANGER!

3. It gives me motivation to get more active. With the cooler temps and fall couch-potato-syndrome in full swing, I’ve been slacking off on my regular walking and biking. I know the season for bike riding is coming to an end, but I’ve still got more weeks for walking ahead, I think. I’m also trying to determine whether or not to join a fitness center. I dread it, but it might be a good course of action for me. I’m still pondering the idea.
But regardless of what is ahead and however long this process is going to take me, 60 pounds is a lot of weight to lose. I’m already feeling healthier and better able to keep up with my fit friends.

If you’ve never struggled with your weight, count your blessings and be thankful for a working metabolism and good genetics. I’m trying not to hate you. Just kidding! Seriously, you are blessed. Enjoy it!

To all of the rest of us, who struggle to stay active and wish for skinny genes, hang in there. Call me, and we can go walking together or do a food intervention on the phone. Don’t be discouraged. Regardless of our size, our skin color, our frame, or any other element of our appearance – we were made in the image of GOD. We are HIS creation and the work of HIS hands, and HE loves us unconditionally.

Psalm 139:14 [KJV] I will praise THEE; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are THY works; and that my soul knoweth right well.


Anonymous said...

I need some help. Amy Blackburn

Lisa said...

Thanks, Mel! I needed that pep talk. I've had a hard time lately, but I'm trying to get my resolve back and get back with the program. Congrats on the 60 milestone. :-)

Skipper Lou said...

I am just so thrilled for you! I am hoping to lose some weight after this baby comes : ) I am sure I will be asking for pointers lol