Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Little Less Drama Please...

I’m spinning in drama today. I’m getting bits and pieces of a discussion brought to my attention, and from those fragments, I’m trying to decipher the final results. Not a wise scenario.

FACT: There are changes coming down the pipeline. We all know they are coming, but no one is quite sure yet how things will all play out. Naturally, we’re all rather curious.

RUMOR: After a meeting today, in which I was not involved, I was informed by 3 different sources how things had been resolved, but no one’s explanation matched the others—meaning they were all in the same meeting, but came away with different ideas about what had been resolved. Sadly, this is more typical than not.

POSITION: I’ve been saying all along that I was going to be calm and content about this. I would just wait and see how things would get handled. I thought it was the mature and adult thing to do. I can’t make the decisions. I’ve given my input, and now I just have to wait for the final word, right? Sounds great in theory, but it is much harder to put in practice, especially when your colleagues keep sharing their own feelings on the subject with you and telling you more “he said this” and “she said that.”

Enter the d-word [DRAMA], and I started spinning. I started playing the what-if game in my head, mentally preparing for each eventuality. I couldn’t focus on the horizon as I just spun in a circle. I was frustrated, disappointed, hurt and a little bit angry. All these emotions, all this drama, when I had planned on just sitting back and WAITING for the final word from my boss. So much for that plan...

It’s at times like this that I wish I was a guy. OK, that wish usually lasts for all of 5 seconds before I regain sanity and recant. No offense, guys, but I like being a girl almost all of the time. That being said, however, I must admit that men don't seem to be quite as enraptured with drama as women can be, and I think women could learn from their example. Kudos to the men riding life above the drama. BRAVO!

I’m a woman, and I admit that I can quickly be captivated by the rising tide of drama. I know this about me, and I know this about some of my colleagues, and today I fell back into that dangerous pattern. I bought into the drama, and I fed the problem. But I've spun long enough. It’s time to get back to the plan: ignore the rumors, stop speculating, wait for the decision to be made and then live with it. It's just a lot easier that way.

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