Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rekindling An Old Relationship

This week, I met up with an old friend on Monday, and then we got together again last night, too. It's been really good. This reconnection was rather unexpected since it had been a few years since our last encounter. I wasn't sure how things would go the second time around. I had my doubts, but life is full of surprises, isn't it?

I quickly discovered that Billy hasn't changed much at all. He is much as he always was, and I appreciate that about him. He has so much more energy than I do. I struggle to keep up sometimes, but he is a great encouragement and definitely a motivator. I have made quite a few changes since we last met, and maybe that has made all the difference. Getting together has been much better than before, and I've really been enjoying our time.

WAIT A MINUTE!! HOLD ON!! You're not thinking that this is a romantic relationship, are you? Silly you! This is me and Billy Blanks I'm talking about, and he is happily married to his teenage sweetheart. Yes, Billy is the fitness guy that had those popular Tae-Bo workout videos a few years back. Sound familiar? Sorry if I mislead you there...hee hee!

Well, I dusted off my VHS tapes this week and have been using them again as part of my cold-weather-workout-routine in the evenings. I love the upper cuts and jabs, the back kicks and roundoff kicks. All in all, it's a really great workout for just 25 minutes a day, and this time, I'm nearly keeping up with my friend Billy there on the screen. WOOHOO!! I love it.

DISCLAIMER: So, if you happen to catch me going around punching the air or practicing my kicks, I'm not really losing my mind or fighting off imaginary creatures or something. I'm just practicing my Tae-Bo again. But I should caution you to make sure to keep a safe distance from me if I am in the zone. I'm quite the lethal weapon these days! HA!


Skipper Lou said...

HAHAHA cleaver intro ; )

Lisa said...

Oooh, now our Charlie's Angels photos will be even more awesome with your high kicks!! HeeHee!!