Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Along Came a Visitor...

As Janet and I were riding along back to Indiana after our Michigan adventure, we had a bit of an episode. A spider dropped in for a visit. Janet promptly shut it up in the cup holder. And then she guarded it with both eyes as she calmly called my brother-in-law Jonathan to beg for assistance.

The caravan pulled over at the next exit and Jonathan (our hero) eradicated the enemy with one blow, and we were spider free for the rest of the ride. As the driver, I was impressed that both Janet and I kept our cool. We both hate spiders, and it's a wonder that there wasn't an accident!


Lisa said...

You guys are hilarious!! I was putting on my makeup one morning so I was leaning in about a couple of inches from the mirror. When all of a sudden, this spider drops down between me and the mirror. I got to see it from all sides, and the mirror made it look much larger than it was. I almost fell backward, and then promptly disposed of the nuisance. I haven't seen a spider since, but I always look up now before I start to put on my makeup. :-)

Melanie said...

I KNOW--sometimes I think they are out to drive me crazy. It's as if they sense that I don't like them or something. They just creep me out. I've got chills just thinking about it...