Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Me as a Snake Charmer??

Yesterday, one of my attorneys (Carl) brought me a clip from his Survival Guide calendar on "How to Escape from a Python." This sparked off an interesting conversation...
Him: Let me get this straight--you hate spiders, but you don’t mind snakes?

Me: Yes, I know. I’m a walking contradiction. But, you see, spiders are actually out to get me. They deliberately taunt me. Snakes don’t do that. I’m not a fan of poisonous snakes really, but I do like pythons and boa constrictors.

Him: Are you kidding me? You LIKE pythons?

Me: Yeah. Why is that so weird? I like constrictors and non-poisonous snakes. I had a baby king snake named Slick as my pet at Camp Spearhead. I would carry him around in my hands or in my pocket, and the campers loved him. He was so sweet. He’d curl up in my pocket and sleep.

Him: You had a pet snake? I’m not buying it. Bring in the pictures.

Me: Will do. I’m writing myself a note now. Now did you want to see the boa constrictor photos, too?

OK, so maybe it seems odd that I have such a deathly fear and loathing of spiders, but I don't mind snakes. I can't explain it really. It's just the way things are.

So today, I brought in these photos**, and Carl was quite shocked. He said he was so sorry he didn't believe me. Now I could not find any good photos of Slick the king snake to show him, but these shots of me and Tip, a red-tailed boa constrictor, did the trick. Carl wouldn't stop talking about it all day...

1. He called me a snake charmer, which just made me laugh. Right! That's so me.

2. Then he started calling me a "daughter of Eve." Ommmm...aren't we all sons and daughters of Eve?

3. Later he accused me of being from the House of Slytherin (Harry Potter), and I just hissed at him in return. So, he said that was all the proof he needed. I quite clearly can speak Parseltongue, which definitely puts me in league with he who shall not be named. I tried to defend myself. I insisted that I was just a muggle, but he wouldn't have any part of that.

So the debate was waged all day. HA! It was a good, much-needed stress reliever, I think. Carl even insisted on buying my lunch today because he hadn't believed my story yesterday. It all just made me laugh!

**Photos from 2002


Anonymous said...

It is a strange thing you have for snakes, you snake charmer you. :) You won't see me holding anything that creepy!

Melanie said...

WHATEVER! Have you ever touched a snake before? They feel very smooth to the touch when they aren't shedding their skin. Personally, I don't think they are creepy.

Now spiders on the other hand are just pure evil and very creepy with those 8 menacing legs, their beedy little eyes, etc.

Anonymous said...

I held Jacob's littlegardner snake that he caught in our yard...does that count? :) He was tiny and Jacob named him 'tree'. ha! And I once rescued Marcia from a dead snake she found (using tongs to pick it up) b/c she is terrified of them. So I guess I'm not really afraid of them, like I am of spiders, but am not about to get all cuddly w/ them like you! ;)

Jeanette said...

Mel, I too hate spiders or any bug for that matter, but snakes don't really bother me. Funny! You will have to check out one of my recent blogs...thanks for sharing. It is funny!!!