Sunday, September 7, 2008

Reconnecting with Familiar Faces

I was at the Dwelling Place for a few hours with some old friends this evening. [I still can't call it the DP. We called the “Dating Parlor” at Bob Jones the DP, and I still get chills when I think about it. YIKES!] My friend Eric is getting married next weekend, and several of us were helping the groom's sister, Lise, get the decorations up and ready for the ceremony. The bride will arrive from Taiwan early this next week, and so Lise has been carrying a heavy load and doing the bulk of last minute planning for her brother's wedding. Poor Lise! There is so much to do, and so little time.

There was plenty of mayhem and drama happening this evening, but thankfully there was plenty of comic relief as well. Eric G. (Ro's husband) and Andy (Jenn's husband) had us in stitches several times with their decorating antics. Some of the evening felt like an HGTV pilot episode for What Not to Do for Your Wedding. But it was great fun and definitely took the pressure off as laughter usually does.

I realized just how much I've missed these girl friends that I got to see this evening. Ro's laugh. Lauren's honesty. Jenn's warmth. Lise's sweetness. I don't see them nearly as often as I used to, and I need to be more deliberate in seeking them out. It was great to reconnect. Maybe I'll have to reinstate the Girls Night In [GiNI] again. Perhaps, it is time...

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