Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Diet Girl Celebrates 50 Pound Loss and Vows to Press On!

Last week, I lost almost 3 pounds and was just shy of my first big goal of 50 pounds lost. So this week, I was a bit excited and anxious to step on the scales. I only needed .4 pounds lost to make it to 50. Here goes...

Well, I lost 1.6 pounds, and so I broke right through 50 and am now down 51.2 pounds since April 1st. WOOHOO!! I'm very excited. I took a moment to let it all sink in. I can now reward myself with a new bicycle, which I am thrilled about. And yes, Becky, I will be looking at new bike helmets, too.

I'm going to savor this moment and enjoy it...[sigh!]

OK, enough of that, there is more work to be done. Lots of walking and biking to do while the weather holds, and I still need to come up with my exercise plan for the winter months. Hmmmmm...I'm still pondering all my options.

Thank you to all my friends and family who have been so encouraging over the last 5+ months. Thank you to my sister for coming along on this WW journey with me. Thank you, LORD, for life and for giving me the strength and stamina to let go of donuts!


aka Bailey said...

HOLY COW 50+ since April?!?! That's terrific! Good for you!!

Keep up the great work - I'm on to read more of your blogs. Congrats again :)

Melanie said...


Anonymous said...

So cool! Who would've thought back in March (as we discussed our plan of attack on our extra lbs) that 6 months later, you would have lost 50 lbs and be doing so well?! Not that I didn't believe in you, but the odds are really against anyone who wants to lose weight the old fashioned way. It's HARD WORK, and you've stuck with it and have beaten the odds. I'm so proud of you!!!

Lisa said...

Can I get a "WOOHOO"?? That is so awesome!! I hope to follow in your footsteps, oh wise Diet Girl. You are truly inspiring to the rest of us who are thinking about eating another Dove Mini-Chocolate Ice Cream Bar at this very moment. Oh wait, that's just me. Anyway, I will not eat one and go exercise instead. Way to go, Mel!!

Melanie said...

Awwww, thanks! But don't give up the ice cream entirely...I sure haven't. I just have to earn it now. Hee hee!!

Skipper Lou said...

Your will power must be amazing! I am so happy for you : ) Im hoping to do something about mine come january...I think I can wait until then though : P

Melanie said...

Yeh, I've heard that dieting while you are pregnant is not advisable. :) So enjoy the donuts (sniffle, sniffle) and the ice cream (sigh!) now while you can. Hee hee! Thank goodness for Skinny Cow ice cream. I love it, and it's only 2 points. WOOHOO!!