Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dear eHarmony,

Thank you for once again sending me unsolicited emails trying to entice me to return to your matchmaking site by indicating that I have multiple matches waiting for me. Thanks for the heads up, but I feel the need once again to decline.

I am trying to appreciate your slightly intrusive interest in my prospective matrimonial pursuits. However, I feel the need to be honest and to define our relationship at this time. I have decided to continue my romantic search on my own without the aid of etools, lengthy questionnaires or computer compatibility profiling.

I understand that the above listed methods you utilize have proven romantically enticing and effective with a percentage of the population. I’ve viewed your commercials. I’ve read articles about your service. I’ve heard first-hand accounts from those who have had success at finding love through your processes. I wish these individuals all the best in their endeavors, and I'm happy for them, but I just won't be joining their ranks at this time.

No, I'm not seeing another dating or love link website--honest. Although, I did hear from one of your rival Christian dating sites just today. They suggested that I join up and come "Flirt with fellow sexy Christian singles." But somehow, that tag line didn't lure me or get the reaction they had hoped for. I'm quite sure that their service is not for me either.

Don't be too disheartened. It's nothing personal. It's not you, it's me. Call me old fashioned. Call me cautious. I'm just wanting something more, and I've already got SOMEONE working on it. You see, my Heavenly FATHER and I continue to have some great conversations on this very topic, and HE knows my deepest thoughts and longings. HE knows me better than I know myself, and I'm learning to trust HIM in all things including my future hopes and dreams. My life is actually not my own. It belongs to ANOTHER, ONE much greater than myself. My existence on this planet is just a tiny fraction of the bigger story...the story of HIS redemptive love for mankind.

So while others may find your services helpful and valuable to them, I don't think you and I are a match. And until GOD says otherwise, I'm just going to leave all of this in HIS more-than-capable hands.

Thanks anyway.


Skipper Lou said...

I love this : ) It made me smile way big...I think we all have something that we could let God take care of for a change.

Melanie said...

Glad it made you smile, Jean! I've just been getting TONS of eHarmony invites and other single spam email, and I decided I needed to blog about it and let it out. HA!