Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I took the back roads through Clermont to get to my doctor appointment in Brownsburg this morning. You know me. I love country drives and finding a million and one ways to get from point A to point B. Driving along 2-lane country roads reminds me of life in the thumb of Michigan, I guess.

Today I was enjoying the country drive along the corn fields and small town life so much that I passed the road to my doctor's office. That's never happened before. It made me laugh. I was just so distracted listening to tunes and enjoying the drive. By the time I realized I had missed my turn and gotten back to that corner, I was almost late for my appointment, which is a first for this anal, retentive, got-to-be-on-time girl. My Dad instilled the values of punctuality in his kids, to be sure.

As I sat waiting in the doctor's office, I started thinking about life's distractions. Sometimes these distractions are good--like how GOD sometimes keeps us busy focusing on others instead of worrying about our own problems. HE's been doing that a lot lately in my own life. I turn to HIM with something that is burdening my heart, hoping HE can give me answers to my questions and direct my path. Instead of providing me with all that understanding I think I need, HE puts me into action by providing opportunities to help and serve others. And if I'm not careful about my attitude and if I am far too focused on my self, I might just miss those chances to be used in someone else's life. These distractions are sometimes HIS answer to my questions. HIS way of saying: Just wait. And while you are waiting, here is an opportunity to share MY love...

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