Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Flat on My Face

In the Stepping Up Bible study, Beth Moore likes us as participants to lie flat on the floor, face first and spend time with GOD every morning before starting into the homework. It's a great idea. I like it. It's a fabulous humble reminder of where we need to be before our GOD. And on the weekends, I can handle it. I eat a little breakfast, get right on the floor for a few minutes with GOD and then jump right into the study. However, it's not working as effectively at 5 AM during the week. You understand that my alarm just went off like 2 minutes prior, and so when I hobble out to the living room and lay down on the floor and start to spend a few minutes with GOD in prayer, I fall right back to sleep. Sorry, LORD!

But other than that little hiccup, I am really enjoying this study in the Psalms. I enjoy the honesty and directness of the Psalmists as they share with GOD about the current state of their affairs. They openly pour out their hearts to GOD, they share about their own struggles, they tell GOD how they feel, they complain about what so and so is doing, they indicate that they are frustrated and hurt. They are transparent with GOD. I can appreciate that. It's real.

But lately, I feel like all my conversations with GOD have been about the rough stuff. So today, I just want to praise HIM and thank HIM for HIS continued faithfulness. HE has been showing HIMSELF so mighty and gracious in my life, and I am so grateful to having the high KING of Heaven so active in my life.

Thank YOU, LORD, for your unfailing love and mercy in my life!
Thank YOU for protecting me and keeping me safe!
Thank YOU for comforting and restoring my soul!
Thank YOU for your healing touch!
Thank YOU for the peace you provide as only YOU can!

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