Friday, October 3, 2008

W I D E Joys

Yesterday at work, I got a widescreen monitor at my desk. I’m loving it. There was a a legitimate reason for ordering this new monitor for my desk, too. HONEST! I do LOTS (read: an overabundance of paper work) of patent application filings, and recently we have started efiling them. Basically, that means that we are electronically filing patent applications with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). It’s quicker and easier than paper filing, and it also saves us money (however, not on our car insurance).

Anyway, under the USPTO’s new system, the screen is wider than my laptop screen. No really it is! So I’ve been tabbing and scrolling over a lot lately to get to the stuff I need on the screen, and my boss found out about it, and decided I needed a bigger monitor. WOOHOO!! So, she put in a request for a flat regular screen that was larger than my laptop screen. Well, then our vendor came back and informed us that the widescreen, flat monitor would actually be cheaper. So sad, right! So, now I have a nice widescreen monitor at my desk, and it’s pretty nice.

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