Friday, October 17, 2008

Meet Me in St. Louis

I've always wanted to say that, and now I have. Hey, you know what? I've never seen that movie/musical all the way through. Interesting!

I'm leaving for Missouri in a couple of hours with my friend Becky, and I'm giddy with excitement. I've got a serious photo bug to cure, and I'm stir crazy for some much-needed vacation time away from the office. This is Becky's birthday weekend trip, and I'm sure we'll have a blast. She and I always have lots of laughs together.

1. St. Louis: We're going to spend some time in one of my favorite cities. I can't wait to tour the SLAM (better known as the St. Louis Museum of Art) again, meander through the Missouri Botanical Gardens, and stroll with the animals at the St. Louis Zoo. I love Forest Park with a passion, and I hope we can finally find that turtle playground thing. Pretty please?? Let it happen. I love turtles.

Sadly, we're passing up on the opportunity to eat at the Cunetto House of Pasta and gobble wildly on their scrumptious dishes this trip. [sigh!] We're both watching our caloric intake right now, but I'll sure we'll find other ways to splurge.

2. Rolla: I'm pretty sure I've never been to Rolla, MO, but Rolla, watch out 'cause here I come. Becky's parents recently moved to Rolla from Kokomo, IN, and so we'll be staying with her family there. I'm looking forward to getting to know her parents better. She keeps warning me that her family is crazy. "No, Mel, you don't understand. They really ARE!" So, I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into here, but I can identify with crazy. HA!

3. Columbia: We're going back to Becky's alma mater, the University of Missouri Columbia, to visit some of her Mizzou friends. It should be interesting to meet people from Becky's college days. Oh the delicious stories I hope to share when I get back...

I am armed with 2 digital cameras now, and so I will be taking photos like a mad woman. WOOHOO!! My new camera's 4GB memory card says that I have over 2,500 shots to take on it yet, and that is with one of the higher pixel settings. I opted to go with that medium high range because I have yet to need a 16 x 20 reprint. HA! Let's see if I can handle such a volume range of photo-taking-opportunities this weekend. Will it be enough memory for a 4.5 day trip? Stay tuned.

WOOHOO!! Well, I'm outta here until Wednesday. Have a great weekend, all!


Whiskers said...

Rolla is where my mom is from. small world.

Skipper Lou said...

hope you are having a great time!!!

Melanie said...

Seriously?!?! COOL!!!