Monday, October 6, 2008

This Bugs Me, Mel!

One of my attorneys sent me an email with the above subject line and the mini-clips of the 4 news stories below.

Critters 4, Humans 0

1. A 17-year-old boy in Reno, Nev., accidentally set his family's house on fire trying to kill spiders. [Reno Gazette-Journal-AP, 8-18-08]

2. A woman in Santa Fe, N.M., accidentally caused severe fire damage to her home while trying to torch a rattlesnake. [KOB-TV (Albuquerque), 7-27-08]

3. A 26-year-old man in Mobile, Ala., accidentally caused $80,000 damage to his home and a shed trying to kill a swarm of bees. [Mobile Press-Register, 6-4-08]

4. A Buddhist monk accidentally burned down his temple in Ojiya City, Japan, trying to destroy a hornets' nest. [MSNBC-AP, 9-4-08]
These clips made me laugh out loud. No, I'm not happy to hear that people torched buildings and caused damage. That's not funny. What is ironic and comical is the extreme measures people take to deal with their fears or to eradicate creepy crawlies! I identify with it. I really do. Although, I must admit that I’ve never tried this method myself in dealing with my fear of spiders. And upon further thought, I think it's best that I don't try it. I'll stick to my bug-spray, then kleenex-squish, shiver-as-I-flush-twice method for now. It works for me. And about the 2 flushes, since I know someone will's necessary. It really is! Have you not watched any horror movies? The bad guys always come back. One shot to the head is not enough! I don't want any of these spiders returning for a 2nd round, and so the double flush method is a proven warfare tactic for yours truly. Don't laugh!


Skipper Lou said...

I never thought of flushing twice...what I good idea! I hate hate hate spiders and bees...and those centipede things with the weird look antenna...I can handle roaches and snakes...but those other three things...I cannot stand! I am using the flush twice method now

Melanie said...

Uh-oh! Now I am spreading my paranoia. It's contagious,I guess. HA! But I just want to make sure those spiders are really dead and not going to fight the flush current and crawl back up. IT COULD HAPPEN... :)