Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday Thoughts

1. I got my flu shot today. WOOHOO!! I'm never sure if it works. I mean, who can really say. I'll probably still get the flu, but would it have been worse without the shot? I guess we'll never know. Maybe if I ever get cloned, we could experiment on my clone and see who would be worse off with or without the shot. Hmmmmm...

2. I think fall is officially here. The temps dropped down low enough for frost this morning. However, it is supposed to get up to 68 degrees by Friday. Is it any wonder that people are getting colds and sore throats? Not good to have such fluctuating temps like that. But I swear that I could smell cider in the air when I walked out to my car last night. YUM!

3. I'm craving peanut butter and chocolate lately. I've been fine for these 6 months on my diet without peanut butter, and now, all of a sudden, I'm dreaming of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Reese's Pieces, Butterfingers, Baby Ruths, Snickers, etc. Is this what my life has come to -- I'm now going to dream about foods I can't eat? HA! So sad. I'm on the hunt for some low-calorie, low-fat, delicious-tasting peanut butter. Any suggestions?

4. Remember how I was scheduled to go to Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin last weekend with my friend and co-worker, Heidi. Well, we had to cancel our trip for this year, but our friend Barb sent us a link so we could view her husband Lee, the master pumpkin carver, do his magic on a local Wisconsin morning show. The man is a genius! He has made pumpkin carving an art. I love it.
So, Heidi, can we try to make it next year? Pretty please??


wfbdoglover said...

We love Lee and look forward to his pumpkins every year!! the past three years, my son has carved a BIG pumpkin. Last year was a fat man. :) He is 11.

Thanks for coming to our community Lee!

Skipper Lou said...

Hmm low fat peanut butter...I dunno how to help you...although I do know that if you get natural peanut butter (the kind that on the ingredients says...peanuts...) it is better for you than the regular peanut butter that has extra oils and ingrdeints. Not really sure from there though : /

Barbara said...

Tell Barb her hubby is awesome at pumpking carving! Can he come and put on a show for us? :) And I think the mini Reese's cups are just 1 pt...well I say just 1 pt when they are tiny and I could eat 12, but hey, if you pretended it was big, it would be a darn good 1 pt. :)

Skipper Lou said...

I miss your blogs : ( where are you? LOL