Thursday, October 9, 2008

Update on the Life of Mel

CHURCH: I have decided to continue attending College Park Church for the time being. I’m now enrolled in the November membership class to learn more about the church doctrines and direction and to get a fresh perspective. I have attended this church for 5+ years, but I never went through a membership class or really ever considered joining the church. Hmmmmm...I guess I have committal issues that I didn’t know about. HA! Anyway, we’ll just have to see how GOD directs and where HE leads me, but I’m actually feeling better about things--just deciding to commit to attend for the next few months. I’m kinda excited to see what will happen next. Don’t stop praying!

JOB: Work is insane right now, the piles keep building, the projects keep arriving, and I keep getting stretched into a million different directions at once. I’m an organized freak. I like things tidy and orderly, and it’s hard for me to deal with clutter and chaos. But I’m working through it and trying to keep my sense of humor.
1. I need to be thankful that I have a job. Yes, I confess, at this moment, I envy all those who are independently wealthy or married into money and don’t have to work, but a pampered life probably gets old quickly, right? [Come on, just nod your head and agree with me!] So that just wouldn’t work for me. I’d be bored silly.

2. This is not just a challenge. This is an opportunity to develop character.

3. A paycheck is a pretty nice thing to have, and I feel pretty convinced right now that I prefer working to destitution.
COMPANY COMING: My friend Lisa from Cincinnatti and my sister Barbara from Kokomo are coming to my place for a girls-only-weekend tomorrow. We’re going consignment and secondhand shopping on Saturday, which is fabulous since Diet Girl is in need of a new fall and winter wardrobe. Since starting on this diet, my sister and I both had to get rid of most of our colder weather clothes. I’m excited and am hopeful that we will find some great bargains. WOOHOO!! We always have a good time together, and I’m looking forward to having visitors. [Just a small side note here: Lisa and Barbara, I cleaned last night, but it was a quick once-over job,and so please don’t go looking for dust…(see “JOB” above).]

FUN PLANS: I have 2 weekends away with girlfriends coming up after this weekend, and so my October has really gotten busy. I can’t believe how quickly November will be here, and that means Thanksgiving. I’m hoping to make it to Michigan for the festivities this year, but I’m not sure yet (see “JOB” above).

Well, I hope everyone is well and enjoying the start of fall. Drop me a line, call me or comment on my blog any time. Sorry if I have been bad about communicating or returning calls and emails lately. I’ll try to do better, but…(see “JOB” above).

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