Monday, August 11, 2008

Biker Girl Update

Saturday, I went for a long invigorating bike ride. I loved it!

Since there was a little jaunt there without a sidewalk or bike path, I risked it and rode my bike on the road. No, I didn't have my helmet on. I can still hear Becky yelling at me from last time. HA! Truth is that I did find my bike helmet, but I just couldn't wear it. I grew up riding everywhere without one, and I when I tried it on this weekend and walked around my apartment with it on, I started to feel claustrophobic, like it was choking me. So I left it home. At least I considered being smart, Becky!

I'm starting to rethink my whole "motorcyclists must wear helmets" mantra. I remember shaking my head in disappointment when Tony would show up for Bible study without his helmet. It just didn't seem safe, and it probably isn't, but I understand now why he likes to ride without the helmet. I suppose there is a difference between me riding (maybe?) 5-7 mph on a 5-speed bicycle vs. Tony going 90 mph on his Harley. AHEM! So maybe I still think helmets are smart for motorcyclists even though I get a few of the reasons why they dislike the helmets.

As for me, it feels wonderfully free to be zooming along with the sun and wind on my face. WAIT! Can I say zooming when I was only going the aforementioned 5-7 mph? HA! Anyway, it was fun, and I gotta do more of this.

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