Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Diet Girl Transforms into Biker Girl

I used to be quite the biker. I know, now all of you are trying to picture me with a black leather jacket and boots straddling a Harley. HA! NOT that kind of a biker. We’re talking a bicycle, such as a ten-speed. You know the thing with 2 skinny wheels and a wedgy seat. That was more my style.

I saved my babysitting and lawn-mowing money and bought a 12-speed bicycle probably before I started junior high. I can't remember exactly when, but my Dad took me up to the local Ace Hardware where I had my bike all picked out, and I forked over my life savings and road the bike home from the shop, all 3.5 blocks.

From then on, my bike and I were inseparable. I rode my bike all over town and then some. In fact, me, my sister and our friends Shelly, Curt and Topher were known for taking LONG bike rides to Lake Huron (about 11 or 12 miles roundtrip) or discovering new routes to get from here to there. Yes, even then I liked to have 15 different ways to get somewhere. I’m big on having escape routes, I guess.

One particular afternoon, we just started riding and decided to go to the lake and take a new road on the way back home. We went over 16 miles on our bikes that afternoon; however, our parents were not overly impressed with our exciting feat. We had forgotten to fill them in our all-day bike riding plans, and they were more than a little worried. Some days you don’t know where your bike will take you, I guess. Don’t know where that stamina and endurance went that allowed me to pedal so far all at once, but I’m sorry to say that I don’t have those same calves any more!

Now I’ve been talking about getting a bike again for a while now. There is a large city park about 3 miles from my house and a greenway with a bike path about 1.5 miles from me. But sadly, my old 12-speed is at home in my parents’ garage and in pretty bad shape. I told myself (aka Diet Girl) that once I lost 50 pounds or more, I would allow myself to get a new bike as a reward. I’ve lost 39.2 pounds so far, and I’m inching ever closer to the benchmark.

This past weekend, my sister Barbara brought me her 5-speed bike to borrow for the rest of the summer so that I could reacquaint myself with a bicycle and see if I really wanted to get one for myself. [Thanks, Sis!] So last night, I took her bike out for an initiation ride. I was slightly safe. I called Becky to tell her I was going on a bike ride, and I loaded up my cell phone and ID in an old camera bag and swung the strap over my neck. I couldn’t remember where my bicycle helmet was, and so I went without it, albeit with a stern lecture from the aforementioned friend Becky. And away I went.

What a workout! I’ve rediscovered some muscles I forgot I had, but I discovered that I’ve realy missed riding a bike. I can still feel the wind on my face as I pedal faster and faster and stand up on the bike from time to time. What a rush!

Yep, I think I’m gonna be a biker girl again. I just need to figure out how to get the bike in my car so that I can take it to some of the bike paths around the city. I know, the closest path is only 1.5 miles from me, but Diet Girl isn’t quite in shape yet, and while I could make it to the path all right, I’d collapse in a heap soon after. HA! But it's a start in the right direction.

Hmmmmmmm...maybe Lance Armstrong wouldn't mind dropping by to give me some personal tips? Come on, it could happen!!


Unknown said...

You could get one of those back end bike racks or if you buy a new bike, some come with easily removed wheels, so that it might then fit in the trunk or back seat.

Melanie said...

Yeah, I'm thinking about it. I might also try the cheaper route and see about getting some bungee cords from Wal-mart and MAKING it work in my trunk. :-)

Anonymous said...

I would be afraid I would fall off of a bike now...its been forever since I have been on one! haha but I hope that you figure that out! I really remember how much fun it was as a kid and it would be a good workout to start again! If you ever wanna check out my blog go for it! I dont remember if I told you I started one...???