Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Switching Gears

My friend Barb sent me an email this morning with just a simple line: “Wow! You are busy.” So I had to open it up and find out what the heck she was talking about. Yes, I can be pretty busy at times, but what was I up to now that I didn’t know about?

Well, the link definitely surprised me and made me laugh. Try it for yourself.

DISCLAIMER: The redistributing party of said link wishes to state the following:
“While the alleged candidate [aka she] wishes to thank her friends and family for their well-wishes and sample speeches that have been sent her way, in no way is she currently seeking political office or other office really. In fact, she’s quite comfortable in her small cubicle. She prefers to actually stay out of the limelight as much as possible, thank-you-very-much. She prefers to be behind the camera rather than in front of it. She appreciates the kind words and support that have come her way, but she will be returning all political monetary contributions to the senders promptly. However, if you would like to support her England May 2009 fund, please feel free to inquire further.”


Anonymous said...

I had no idea you were running for president! I will of course need to hear your platform before making up my mind. I can't vote purely on the basis that we're related, you know.
Too funny!

Melanie said...

I'm glad to hear that you won't just vote for me because we are related...I'll have to get back to you on my platform. HA!