Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dealing With Roommates

There has been more drama in the realm of sharing my space...No, I don't have any rent paying roommates, but I did discover 2 chirping friends yesterday that had apparently decided to move in unannounced.

Becky and I kept hearing a noise yesterday as we were innocently trying to watch Anne of Green Gables. You know, we're sitting there on the couch, sighing, laughing and having a splendid afternoon watching Gilbert. Of course, I meant Anne. AHEM!

Anyway, we kept hearing this odd little noise. The noise continued for an hour or more, before finally, I decided to pause the DVD and investigate further. Sure enough, there was a half dead cricket making an odd chirping noise unlike any cricket I have ever heard. Maybe they have a death chirp? Anyway, he was in the sliding glass door track, and he appeared to be suffering. I almost felt sorry for him, and so, I quickly ended his pain. I think he must have been dying from the insecticide that the bug man sprayed a few weeks back. I'm no exterminator or entomologist, but that's my unofficial diagnosis on the cause of his chronic illness.

Of course, then I had to do a thorough sweep of the area to determine if there were any family members near by. I discovered another cricket in the dining room, but it was already dead, and so I dispatched of the remains and got back to the movie. All is quiet right now, but stay tuned for further developments.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Ahhh, Anne of Green Gables!! I haven't seen that in quite a while.
"I'm soory." Gilbert, hmmm, quite the charmer and not bad to look at either. :-)