Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Will of GOD

Growing up I was taught that following GOD's will was like a path. GOD had a plan for my life, and if I got off that path, it was nearly impossible to get back on it again. If I strayed from THE path, I could wind up on a lesser path, one not as fulfilling or something along that line of thinking. It was as if GOD's will was that elusive golden egg that I was to chase to find direction for my life, and it was something I could miss altogether or really screw up if I wasn't careful.

But I think GOD is much bigger than that. HE doesn't need me. HE chooses to use me, a broken vessel. HE knew what I would do before HE made me, and HE planned around it, in it and through it to still bring about HIS will. And don't even get me started on how my free will still accomplishes HIS will...I don't know if my feeble brain can fully grasp all that or can actually comprehend how GOD can make that work, but HE does.

Lately, I've been more than a bit perplexed. I've been seeking GOD's face regularly and asking for wisdom and knowledge in how to act. It's as if I have been waiting for a sign. I thought I was waiting on GOD, but HE's just been waiting for me to act. I haven't been following James 4:17
"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."
I was wanting GOD to draw an arrow in the sky to head me in the right direction. But if I already know that something is right, if I know that it is good, if I know that there is a need and it is in my power to help, and yet I choose to sit and wait for my engraved invitation to act, I'm missing the opportunity that HE has provided, and what's more is that my hesitation is sin. It's a lack of trust in HIS leading.

I think somewhere along the way, I've become too cautious. I'm not following HIM with the wild abandon I see in others. I've gotten too comfortable, too cozy in my walk, too timid. Yes, there are times where I need to stop and reflect, but if I have an opportunity to do something that is good, that is not contrary to HIS Word, what am I waiting for? HE's already given me my instructions...
Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

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