Friday, August 1, 2008

Diet Girl Celebrates Her 4-Month Anniversary

CURRENT WEIGHT: Yeah, as if...
WEIGHT LOST: -39.2 pounds since April 1st
SIZES: Down 2 sizes
NEW FAVORITE FOODS: (1) Meijer Baked Tortilla Chips with Taco Bell Mild Salsa (2 points per serving) and (2) Skinny Cow Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwiches (2 points per serving)
LAST DONUT CONSUMPTION: March 22, 2008 [sigh!]

As Diet Girl, I have officially been on Weight Watchers now for 4 months, and I'm ecstatic about the results. WOOHOO! It's been challenging at times, but I'm carrying on with it and keeping my head up.

I have a goal in mind, and no it's not one that will land me on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, thank-you-very-much. Realistically, I just want to get to a healthier place and be more active. I am already noticing a difference in my energy levels and in how I feel, and it is GREAT!

My sister has been a huge source of inspiration and encouragement to me. She is also on the Weight Watchers plan and is doing really well. In fact, she and I are going consignment shopping tomorrow in hopes that we can find some gently used clothing to wear for a few months before it is time to go shopping all over again. It's a fun problem to have, I suppose. But I've never been a real clothes horse or a die-hard shopper, and so it is quite an adjustment for me -- just knowing that I'm going to have to do this all over again in a month or two. UGH! It's sure worth it though.

Today, I'd like to thank my friends and family who have been so helpful and encouraging to me on this journey! I'm excited to have reached this 4-month anniversary and to be able to share this moment with you. THANK YOU!

Weight Watchers Monthly Plan: $16.95 per month
More frequent trips to the grocery store: $150.00 per month
Turning George Clooney's head: PRICELESS


Lisa said...

You are so awesome!! I have been very bad this summer, and after vacation, I am back on my diet. That is so amazing that you have lost that much weight in just 4 months. You two are now my inspiration!! Bikinis next summer, right?? :-)

Melanie said...

Me in a bikini? I shudder at the thought...I'd freeze. HA! I don't see that happening EVER! It's just not my thing... :-)

Anonymous said...

congrats on your weight loss! That must feel soooo great! : )

Melanie said...

Thanks, Jean!

Anonymous said...

I like the George Clooney part! :)

aka Bailey said...

What is included in WW's monthly fee? I never know the difference between what all these diet plans offer or what you're actually paying for when you "sign up" with them...

Melanie said...

I just do WW online, and so it is $16.95 per month, which allows me to use all their online tracking tools for weight and food. I love it. I'm doing the Flex points, and so that means that I am just tracking every morsel I put in my mouth. It started off as a chore, but has become second nature now. WOOHOO!!