Saturday, June 21, 2008

Diet Girl Goes Shopping

I went consignment shopping on Saturday with Kristen and Sara. I got a couple pair of pants for work (one pair was 2 sizes below my old size...WOOHOO!!), a short-sleeved dress jacket for work, and a Brighton-purse knock off.

I love the purse. It is bright red and rather cute. I don’t usually get into purses all that much. I mean I’m not the type of girl that has 10 purses in her closet and switches her purse out for the season or an evening out. NAH! That’s not me. I am usually seen sporting the same black purse all year round, and I just use it and abuse it until the straps die or something else gives way on my purse, and I have to go to Target for another. However, this purse was brand new, the price was right, and it caught my eye all the way across the store. It was love at first sight, and thus it was meant to be! HA!

I’m not much of a shopper usually, and I especially dread clothes shopping. But on Saturday, we went shopping for over 4 hours, and I survived rather nicely. Sara and Kristen are good co-shoppers and bargain hunters. We had a splendid afternoon!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll probably say it again…I HAVE AWESOME GIRLFRIENDS!!

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