Monday, June 30, 2008

You Know You're Working Too Much Over Time When...

5. You realize that you ate breakfast, lunch and dinner in the office today. I think it might be time to head home now...

4. You accidentally refer to your cubicle as "home." As in you are leaving a meeting one day, and you tell someone you are heading home when you really are just going back to your office. OOPS!

3. You leave work on time for a change and are blinded by the bright light as you make your way through the parking lot to your car. I guess, it's been a long time since you've seen that bright orange orb in the sky.

2. You start drafting personal emails to a friend making sure to have an abstract and at least 1 claim allowing for a useful and inventive subject that must be novel. Maybe this doesn't happen to everyone here, but when you start dreaming of ChemDraw compounds, you know things have gotten serious.

1. You start having your home mail forwarded to your work address so you can keep up. OK, so things are not quite arranged like this yet, but I'm considering it. I already have all packages delivered to the office.

Hmmmm...I think it's nearly time for some vacation, don't you? HA!


Anonymous said...

If you start ordering in dinner at the office every night, we'll know you've crossed some sort of line. You don't sleep in your cube yet, do you?

Melanie said...

No, I don't sleep in my cube per se. I have a hammock outside my cube that I have been using instead. HA! RIGHT!!!