Monday, June 23, 2008

Mama Carollas Does Italian Right!

This may seem like an advertisement, but if you haven’t been to Mama Carollas in Broad Ripple, you need to check them out. This place has atmosphere, awesome Italian entrees and scrumptious drinks and desserts. It’s delectably incredible!

We (the 5 girls: Becky, Jessica, Kristen, Sara and I) went to Mama's again for Kristen's birthday celebration last week, and it was another savory delightful evening out on the terrace. If you can get the seats outside, take them. It is wonderful to sit out alfresco and enjoy your meal in the garden's evening ambience. I'm sure it's romantic as well (for all you couples out there), but I can't really speak to my experience on that score. AHEM!

Of course, I created our own birthday girl photo shoot for Kristen. Hee hee! And then I vainly posed with my glasses and then without. I'm still not sure if I want to go back to wearing contacts or not. I don't mind glasses so much, but I wanted to know how the lens saw me with and without. I know...all is vanity! All comments and opinions are welcome...

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