Thursday, June 12, 2008

IMA Volunteer Appreciation Event

I have some beautiful flowers on my kitchen counter. They are delicious red roses. And where did this singleton get red roses, you may ask? Well, I could make up a story to go along with the facebook mayhem I blogged about earlier this week; however, the truth is less dramatic. I got the bouquet at the IMA Volunteer Appreciation Banquet last night.

I don't always attend the volunteer dinners at the IMA. I like to go when I can, but that hasn’t always happened. There are just some things that I like doing with a friend in tow, and these meet and mingle events are like that.

My friend Pollyanna went with me the first year. We had fun hitting the hors d'oeuvres and discussing the large varieties of cheese selections, as I recall. After that year, I kind of skipped a few years until now. This year, my pal Becky joined me. There were 400 people there. That's crazy! I didn't even know we had that many volunteers. It was cool! Yes, we were some of the youngest faces in the crowd. The majority of the IMA’s docents and volunteers are 60 and above, but I enjoy hanging out with the mature, the knowledgeable, the seasoned, etc. They keep me on my toes when we work together, and I find them highly entertaining. They have so many experiences to share, and you know how I feel about history.

It was a fabulous evening. Thanks for being my "date," Becky! It was definitely better with a friend!

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