Monday, June 9, 2008

Lots of Family Time

Friday afternoon I headed up to Kokomo for a weekend with my family. I went to my sister’s house and had an evening with her 3 kids while she and Jonathan snuck out for dinner and to catch the newest Indiana Jones flick. I had a ball. Four-month old Harrison is such a little charmer. He is getting so strong. He loves to “stand” and kind of bounce or jump on your lap. Two-and-a-half-year old Grace is a loving little treasure. I’ve never heard a child tell you that she loves you so very much. It’s darling. Aunt Mel, I love you, she says in the middle of dinner. My heart just melts... Five-and-a-half-year old Jacob, who is obsessed with cars and Stars Wars, shows me how he plays chase and wrestles with their Labrador Thorn. Look at me, Aunt Mel!

We watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the older Gene Wilder version made before I was born. The newer Tim Burton/Johnny Depp version scares me. I chuckle to myself and try to answer Jacob’s questions like: Why are the Oompa-loompas orange?

After I get baby Harrison down for the night, I read the older 2 a bedtime story, and then they each share a story of their own imagination with me. Jacob’s story rambles on for a few minutes...all about dragons, Anakin and legos. Grace’s story is a bit shorter and less bogged down with details: There was a princess, and she didn’t die. The end, she says with a grin. Oh, and they went swimming, she adds with a flourishing finish.

Now that the kids are down for the night, Thorn and I snuggle up on the couch together for a movie. And I smile to myself, Yeah, this is living! I’m lucky. It’s moments like this that remind me that I have it pretty good. This is a good perk! I have an awesome sister that shares her family with me like this. There is always an open invitation from her (and yes her hubby Jonathan) to share holidays, long weekends, etc. with them, and right now I feel pretty blessed to have such a gift.

Saturday morning I was awakened by one of the dearest sounds in the world, a 4-month old babbling loudly to himself. So precious! We all got ready and headed out to catch my oldest niece Janet’s graduation from high school in Peru. The gym was a bit hot, the speeches a bit long, but it was awesome to see Janet graduate and get her diploma. And Jacob, Grace and Harrison were very well behaved for such a long period of sitting still.

Afterwards, we all went to my brother Steve’s home for some pizza and to catch up. My parents had made the 7 hour drive from Michigan for the weekend, and so it was great to see more of them. However, my Mom hurt her back/shoulder earlier in the week, and so she was in a lot of pain.

Sunday morning, we heard from my sister-in-law Tara that my brother Steve and my Dad were taking my Mom to the ER. Her pain had multiplied. We later found out that she had an inflamed rhomboid, and she was having muscle spasms in her back and shoulder because of the strain on that injured muscle. Poor Mom! The doctor prescribed some pain meds and she went back to my brother's to lie down again. She spent most of the day flat on her back. I know it was hard on her to miss out, but she was in so much pain.

At church that morning in Peru, a lot of the family was in attendance to see baby Harrison's dedication or rather the dedication of his parents to raise him in a Godly home, and a committment by the family and the church body to assist, etc.

After church, we all helped the family get ready for Janet's open house. Janet had a nice crowd at her party for most of the afternoon. There was a lot of food, and the puppy chow mix that Jonathan helped me make was a big hit. We might have made too much, but hey, it didn't go to waste. We sent it home with people.

I was buzzing around taking photos of Janet and her guests, of course. My brother Chuck, his wife Lisa, and their 4 kids all came mid-afternoon from Warsaw, IN. I don't get to see them as much as I would like to, and so it was extra fun spending time with their kids. Caity, Cari and Cera are a lot of fun! Caleb disappeared upstairs with the boys after giving me a quick hug. Both Caleb and his sister Caity are taller than me now. That means, I have been passed by 4 of the 9 nieces and nephews. [SIGH!] Not quite sure why it is their goal to grow taller than me. I'm not hard to beat, after all. I'm only 5 foot. HA! I also spent some time with Grace and Jacob blowing bubbles on the front porch. I love bubbles!

After the guests left, Janet opened her gifts and cards. She got a lot of awesome stuff! It's hard to believe that in a little over a month, she will be headed to North Carolina for the Nascar Institute. It's exciting!

I drove home last night, full of good food and a bit contemplative. Time has gone so quickly. It seems like just yesterday that we got the call that Janet had been born. I remember holding her for the first time as a newborn, and now, she is off to start her adult life already in her first apartment, 15 hours away. [sniffle, sniffle] OK, now I'm feeling more than a bit old. Hee hee!

I'm exhausted this morning but happy. It was a great weekend...I'm just going to try to get to bed early tonight. Yeah! Like that's gonna happen!

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