Friday, June 20, 2008

It All Started with Carrot Cake...

Today, there is a LARGE carrot cake in the fridge here at work. It is obviously for an office get-together in another department or something, but being Diet Girl I had to comment to my co-horts.

Me: OK, who brought in that beautiful yet evil carrot cake?

Linda V: Yeah, I saw that in there. It looks great. Hey, my husband and I had carrot cake at our wedding because it’s our favorite, too.

Me: That sounds like a good idea. Maybe I’ll have carrot cake at my wedding.

Down the hall, Craig hollers: When’s the wedding? I’m going to be invited, right?

Me: Craig, I still need to find the groom before I make too many promises.

Craig: But you’ll invite me, right?

Me: Maybe. I’d like to, but what if we decide to go off and get married somewhere else?

Craig: That’s OK. Just pick a wealthy guy to love so that he can ship your guests out to your location.

Me: I can’t promise that either.

Down the other end of the hall, Dena adds: Yeah. I’m not sure that a cable guy can afford that on his salary.

Me [rolling my eyes and venting]: THERE IS NO CABLE GUY!

Dena: Well, maybe you’ll find the guy on your trip to England next May.

Me: Don’t hold your breath.
Allow me to reflect on three comical musings:

1. I love how thin cubicle walls allow for private conversation, don’t you!! It’s rather hilarious actually. This scenario happens daily at least – not my co-workers talking about my wedding, but people piping in on conversations they are not in. I’ll be talking to one person, and someone else down the hall or across the cubicle wall will fire back a question or comment about what was just said. You got to love cubicles!

2. My co-workers are all still intrigued with my single state of affairs. Sometimes they are imagining a rendezvous with the cable guy for me. See, I had the same cable guy show up at my place two Fridays in a row. Dena now thinks it is fate, karma, destiny, etc., but I have serious doubts. Other times, they are convinced that I am going to England looking for the perfect Brit. Now, sure, it would be great to meet a single man with a lovely British accent, while my friends and I are meandering about the idyllic English countryside in a downpour. [sigh!] BUT, I’m not going to England in search of a mate. I’m going to England to see the country I’ve longed to visit since I was 8. HONEST!!

3. I love how an innocent comment about carrot cake led to a discussion about me marrying for money. After all, It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a wife. [Please note: that’s not me talking here -- that’s Jane Austen!] NAH! Personally, I think money is a necessary evil in life, but I don’t want to marry for it. Finding someone employed would be a good start, and one can hope that he likes carrot cake as well... [sigh!]

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