Monday, June 16, 2008

Diet Girl Update

It's been a few weeks since I've updated the masses on Diet Girl. Well (drumroll please...thank you very much), I am down 28.5 pounds in total since April 1st.WOOHOO!! I am so excited! I'm not done yet. I still have more work to do, but I'm going to continue my progress towards achieving a healthier me. I am far from being the future crowned and adorable Miss 5 Foot America . Is there such a pageant? If not there should be! Why do all the pageants feature Amazonian women with legs up to here (pointing to my neck) anyway? The vertically challenged need a way to reach the public with their causes, too. As in, why do peep holes have to be so high on apartment doors? I have to get a stool to look out through my own, and you know, by then, most often the person knocking at my door has given up. HA! Or why do they always put the diet pop on the tall shelf at Meijer or Walmart? HELLO! Short people enjoy Diet Coke or Sprite Zero, too! WAIT! I think I found a Miss America Petite. YEAH! HA! I bet you can't be over 30. Don't get me started on the age discrimination...

Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled program...

1. Diet Girl is alive and well and enjoying making healthier choices. Well, most of the time. There was a slight relapse at a dinner last week where I indulged in a slice of chocolate cheesecake heaven, but I counted every delicious morsel's points, believe you me. Yes, every bite gets counted on my online food log. I believe in full disclosure of every evil delectable bite. My newest indulgence is the Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. They are delicious and only 2 points a piece, which is awesome. I mean, can life get any better than that? I love my ice cream! I swear that it feeds my soul, too. [sigh!] Seriously, and I think an overweight soul is a must! :-)

2. It is time for Diet Girl to go secondhand shopping. My clothes (especially pants) are getting too big and baggy on me. I confess, this is a nice problem to have, but as most of you know, Diet Girl isn't much of a shopper at all. Plus I haven't always had good luck at secondhand boutiques; however, I think I need to give them another chance with the cause to save money. See, I don't want to blow a wad of money on clothes that I am only going to be wearing for a month or two as I continue to drop the weight. But if I don't go shopping soon, I think I am in danger of my dress pants not staying up here at work even with a belt, and that could be more than a bit hard to live down. All comments, suggestions and donations are welcome!

3. The walking extravaganza continues with my wonderfully supportive friends Becky and Barb. I lost my co-worker partner (aka Barb) for a couple of weeks as she was buzzing around London, England with her husband. [Note: No bitterness. AHEM!! I'm going there in less than a year myself. WOOHOO!!] But, Becky (who lives nearby) has been an excellent walking buddy during the evenings and weekends. We've gotten to know the canal towpath rather well. We've discovered the Irving Botanical Gardens at Butler University. Who knew that Butler had botanical gardens? And, if you knew, why didn't you tell me about them? AHEM!! We've walked all the way to Meridian Street along the towpath. It's rather fun and excellent exercise. I'm not quite ready for a marathon yet, but you never know. I've also had lots of turtle sightings. I know...I'm more than little obsessed with these shelled reptiles. But I've also had more than turtles to talk about. Poor Becky tolerates my excitement over all of my nature discoveries! Look, Becky, there's a beaver! Ahhh! He's so cute! Or rather she privately enjoys a laugh at my lack of knowledge. WAIT! Is that a seal? No, not a seal. Seals live in the ocean, don't they? What are those things called? Don't tell me. Don't tell me! I got it. It's a river otter, isn't it? It's a wonder that I am not working for the zoo or some nature park, don'tcha think! There is great potential there, I am sure.

Anyway, things in the life of Diet Girl are humming along quite nicely. I am enjoying the summer, the beauty of GOD's creative handiwork and am gearing up to a healthier adventure, day by day. Life is good! Health is better! GOD is the BEST!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Congrats on your success!!! That's awesome! We all have our moments of weakness, but as long as they are not regular occurrences, I say they are good for the soul. Keep up the awesome work!!